The Longest Distance

Part love story, part adventure mystery, part travel guide for the soul, the award-winning novel The Longest Distance is a meditation in traveling from our heads to our hearts… and an awakening to what lies within.

Book Details
384 Pages
Hesperides Publishing (June 2014)
384 Pages

Shaken by tragedy in the wilds of Africa, Jeremy Braddock sets off in search of the answers to our questions about life, truth, and the all-too-trying-yet-wonderful emotion of love. From continent to continent, the protagonist takes us on a rollercoaster ride and riveting journey that reveals to us the masters, the maniacal beauty of this planet, and the greatest mystery of all––the ‘one thing’ we came here to know. As with life itself, he is not alone in this adventure, with the many supporting characters providing him with mirrored reflections of love in its varied forms, and a windowed view into his soul. Armed with his wit, his will, and an ample dose of healthy humility, our vigilant warrior attempts to summon within himself the courage we must all find to see the face of Truth, and walk the path of a higher Love.

The Longest Distance evokes deeper contemplation à la Eat, Pray, Love with a level of discourse and discovery that will resonate with those who have been touched by the writings of Paulo Coelho and Neale Donald Walsch. Interwoven within the tapestry of the novel and in between each storied chapter is a messaging dialogue between the central character and his higher self — the ‘Friend’ that shows the way. What adds to TLD’s universal appeal is the inspirational appearances of a myriad of Masters – from poets to statesmen to those of the cloth – along with each chapter’s unveiling of a key traits, clues that when pieced together help to reveal the greater truth at hand — the Love within the love that beckons us all.

The Longest Distance is a sleuth of spirit and treasure hunt of the heart that awakens our soul and provides yet another clue for the curious, a jewel for the romanticist in us all.

2014 Living Now Book Awards Silver Medal Winner!

Living Now Book Awards awarded David Scott the Silver Medal in Adventure Fiction for his novel,
The Longest Distance.

We‘ve all heard the expressions, “This book changed my life!” and “Changing the world, one book at a time.” The Living Now Book Awards are designed to honor those kinds of life-changing books, and to bring increased recognition to the year’s best lifestyle, homestyle, world-improvement and self-improvement books and their creators.

The purpose of the Living Now Book Awards is to celebrate the innovation and creativity of books that enhance the quality of life, from cooking and gardening to spirituality and wellness.